Jan 24, 2008

Sidelong Glance ---Doisneau

As a Reader

Writer/ Designer:
  • Who composed this text?
This picture was taken by a French photographer named Robert Doisneau.
  • What else has this person composed?
Robert Doisneau is famous for taking photographs that are amusing, eccentric and very in-the-moment. Many are pictures of people in different social classes. One example of a photograph that he has taken would be Kiss by the Hotel de Ville. To see this picture, please go to http://www.robertdoisneau.com/robert_doisneau_hotelkiss.htm For other pictures, go to http://www.robertdoisneau.com/index.htm and click on one of the three links to the right of the page.
  • What point of view does he/she adopt?
Doisneau always took his pictures in a third person perspective. He doesn't interact with the people in the picture while he's taking them, and I do not believe that he wants the subjects to know he's there. It's important for him to make sure that the people are very natural, because that is when people are most interesting and most humorous.


  • What is your initial reaction?
When I first saw the picture, I noticed the painting right away. It just sort of pops right out on the page. Then I noticed the couple, which seemed like nothing unusual. Then I noticed the man in the picture looking towards the picture on the wall, and I just laughed. Typical men.

  • What is the audience assumed to know or believe?
I think the audience is supposed to know how real life people are. It's assumed that people know that men will look at pictures of naked women when the chance comes, even if their wife/girlfriend is there. I think that is why that picture was taken, because it was amusing.

  • Who is the intended audience?
Anyone could be the audience, I believe. Except maybe children. Other than that, anyone who knows a man knows what this situation is like. It's funny and it's something we all have experienced.

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